ENDOZIME™ AW Triple Action Plus for Veterinary Endoscopes


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Endoscopy enzymatic detergent. ENDOZIME AW TRIPLE PLUS is a unique formulation of protease, amylase, lipase, carbohydrase and proprietary enzymes with A.P.A.

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Multi-Tiered Enzymatic Detergent with Advanced Proteolytic Action and Rust Inhibitors


ENDOZIME AW TRIPLE PLUS is a unique formulation of protease, amylase, lipase, carbohydrase and proprietary enzymes with A.P.A. (Advanced Proteolytic Action) which removes all bio-burden and inhibits rust. A.P.A. is the latest enzymatic breakthrough developed by Ruhof Healthcare that greatly increases protein enzyme activity to provide a faster more thorough penetration into hard-to-reach places on surgical instruments and scopes.

Recommended for reprocessing of all instruments—from the most difficult to clean to the most delicate—ENDOZIME AW TRIPLE PLUS now has biological additives that speed the process of liquefaction and solubilization, facilitating enzymatic action and contributing to the product’s superior effectiveness. ENDOZIME AW TRIPLE PLUS reduces film build-up left by some non-glutaraldehyde high-level disinfectants.

Sold in Cases of 4x 1 Gallon Bottles

Weight 43 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 in
Advanced Proteolytic Action

Increased protein enzyme activity

Proprietary blend of enzymes

Designed to remove all bio-burden – blood, carbohydrates, protein, polysaccharides, fats, starches, oils, uric acid and other nitrogenous compounds

Inhibits rust

And provides lubrication for external parts.

Biologically active

Speed the process of liquefaction and solubilization

Safe for Use

Compatible with all surgical instruments and scopes/will not harm any metals, plastic, rubber or corrugated tubing.

Unique Blend Of Compounds

Combined, they are low sudsing, neutral pH, non-abrasive, free rinsing and 100% biodegradable.

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